
electrify public

Classy charging solutions for the
public space

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Charging electric vehicles in public places

Stylish, practical, sustainable: that’s how our electrify solutions for public spaces are. As with our Private and Business  solutions, users start the charging process contactlessly via RFID or QR code. As an operator, you always get an overview of all charging processes thanks to the integration in the OCPP backend. Also billing can be conducted via the OCPP with your roaming partner. Our charging stations and wallboxes can be highly customized. Choose an individual design that matches the location. In addition to that, electrify charging solutions impress with their absolute robustness – high-quality stainless steel is durable and therefore ideal for public spaces.
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Safe charging

The plus in safety: all electrify charging points are already equipped with DC fault current detection as standard.

Display in focus

Our public charging solutions have a display on which users can see relevant information such as the start of charging, power consumption and much more.


Extreme weather resistance

Stainless steel is a robust and durable material that is particularly suitable for the use in public locations.

Reliable and sustainable

Reliable technology makes our charging solutions long-lasting – electromobility makes our world a little cleaner. You invest in sustainability!


Simple payment system

The customer authorises himself for the charging procedure via app or RFID with the backend of the roaming partner and settles with him.

Compact in design and technology

Fast and cost-effective: setting up a charging park for public spaces takes very little time and the optimal charging infrastructure can also be established quickly. All the necessary electronic components are included in the charging unit. Integration into the OCPP backend makes operating the electrify charging infrastructure in public spaces simple and convenient.

Informative display with QR code
and advertising options

The integrated display of our public charging solutions shows the following information to the users of your charging park: date, time, status info, EVSE ID, start (date / time), duration hh:mm:ss, meter reading (start / end), charged energy and charging ID for billing with the OCPP of the roaming partner. A special advantage for operators: in the “ready to use” status it is possible to integrate a QR code or to display an advertising banner of the provider. 

Activation and payment
via QR code, RFID or app

For the end users of the public charging solutions, the activation of the charging points works via app, QR code or RFID card of its roaming partner. Billing takes place via the respective roaming partner or operator of the charging park.
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Customization is possible

Gestalten Sie die Optik des Ladeparks ganz nach Ihren Vorstellungen. Mit den Individu­alisierungs­optionen bieten wir Freiraum für Ideen und Wünsche. Wie wäre es z. B. mit einer individuellen Folierung inklusive Stadt-/Brandlogo? 
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Growth is possible

The subsequent integration of additional charging points is possible without any problems. They can simply be added to your set up.

electrify outdoor lights.

Wrap your garden, patio or entrance area in a very special ambience.
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electrify outdoor lights.

Wrap your garden, patio or entrance area in a
very special ambience.
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